Sunday, May 27, 2007

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer " Update

Dear Blogger Family & Friends,

The Pink Crusader warmly welcomes you with big smiles, hugs and kisses on this beautiful Memorial weekend. We send special thoughts to members of our armed forces and remain grateful for their dedication and self-sacrifice as they serve to protect our country and our many freedoms. We can sleep better at night, knowing that these brave men and women are keeping a watchful eye.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."
-General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Book Update: "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" (FBBC)
After a year in the making, and with great anticipation, I am thrilled to announce that the "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" is finally going to print. And, what's more, Dr. John Mendelsohn, President of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, has given us his blessing in the form of the book's introduction. We are honored and humbled by Dr. Mendelsohn's touching words of encouragement and thank him with the deepest appreciation for his time and written contribution.

From its inception, this pictorial project has always been a labor of love. However, it could never have gone from a vision to reality without the commitment, dedication and participation of all of you, especially the amazing photography of Jack Opatrany. It has been nothing less than a team effort all the way and I sincerely thank you for your individual contributions and support.

Media Blitz
"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" will be represented on a national level by a public relations firm based in New York city. We are currently working on a media blitz to include magazines, talk shows and book signing events. If you would like to be interviewed on your participation in the book and/or the specifics of your personal cancer journey, please provide the following information (in writing) to

1) Your willingness and availability to be interviewed
2) Your contact information and any change in home address, e-mail address, etc.
3) The name of your alma mater
4) Name of press/media contact at your alma mater
5) Phone number and/or e-mail address for media contact at your alma mater
6) A list of publications affiliated with your alma mater, line of work,
health care, hobbies, interests, etc.

Party Update
As stated in previous blog posts, the Launch Party for the book's debut is scheduled for Sunday, August 26th, 1:00 - 4:00pm, at the Marriott Westchase in Houston. (Early birds are invited to come at 12:30 to visit the sponsor booths and book-signing tables.)

All participants (free) and guests ($25) will be treated to a delicious sit-down brunch. We will also have a featured speaker, tribute video, and individual swag bags. (Participants will receive a complimentary book, along with a cd of their individual photo shoot.)

Books will be available for purchase ($30 each) at the book signing table. We will also have a Silent Auction as well as a variety of items to browse and purchase from our Sponsor tables. Proceeds to benefit
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Invitations to go out in June.

Hotel Accommodations
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Marriott Westchase, 2900 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042, for the evenings of Friday, August 24th thru Monday, August 27th). The room rate is $69.00 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, and $149.00 on Monday evening. You can book your reservation by calling 1-800-228-9290 (or 713-978-7400 in the Houston area). Refer to the special rate code FBBC. Cut-off dates for this rate is August 10th.

For our out-of-town visitors, please note that there is a shuttle service (Super Shuttle) available from George Bush (IAH) Airport to the Marriott Hotel at a cost of $28. We are still gathering information regarding shuttle service from Hobby Airport. Note: The Marriott Hotel provides free shuttle service from its premises to the beautiful Galleria area of the city.

In addition to the Marriott Westchase, we are delighted to have the support of our main sponsor, Cellcosmet. Not only will they be providing the swag bags filled with fabulous skin-care products for men and women, but they will also have a booth to sample and purchase their amazing, all natural, body creams and lotions. (Cellcosmet products are exclusive to Sak's Fifth Avenue in Houston and in several other major U.S. cities.)

Donations & Pre-Orders
Now that the book has gained national attention, we must print additional copies to meet the growing demand. If you think you may miss the opportunity to purchase a book, we strongly encourage you to pre-order. By pre-ordering your copies, it will also help us to raise additional funding to underwrite increased publishing costs.
Send a check or money order in the amount of $30 per book (plus $6.00 shipping & handling if applicable), to:

Josephine Sethi
803 Skimmer Ct.
Sugar Land, TX 77478

Include your name, phone number and e-mail address (or mailing address is applicable)

Note: I also accept credit card payments via Paypal. Log onto My paypal account name is

Wish List
We also need funding to cover the cost of items associated with the party. If anyone can help us out with the following, we would be most grateful:
Sound system
Audio/visual equipment
Items for silent auction

For those of you available to volunteer your time, we need a crew to
1) Help set-up tables
2) Meet & greet the participants and guests as they arrive
3) Work the book sales table

That's the latest and the greatest for now. I look forward to your response and will continue to update this information on a regular basis. Stay tuned.....our new web site is almost finished, and the best is yet to come!

Personal Note:
It is with great sadness that I announce the recent passing of
Juli Gardner, a participant in "The Faces behind Breast Cancer," and dear member of our extended survivor community. Juli and her six-year-old daughter Jessica, were both undergoing treatment for cancer-related issues at the same time. This dynamic mother-daughter duo were not only a great support system for one another, but were a source of strength and courage to those that knew their story. Our deepest condolences to Juli's family, with ongoing prayers for Jessica's full recovery.

Special thoughts and prayers to Rosemary Barr and Penny Andrea as they concurrently undergo chemotherapy treatment. Rosemary, in true form, remains an exemplary role model (as well as moderator of the Rosebuds meetings) while Penny maintains her sense of humor in spite of major discomfort. Hang in there, ladies......we're cheering you to victory!

On a happier note, the Rosebuds II welcomed the return of Janice Duplessis following recent brain surgery to remove a metastatic lesion. She is still on the mend, but moving forward after her ordeal and still flashing that million-dollar smile.

From Cheryl P. Donlin

Just wanted to update you on the lobbying item I sent you. The good news out of Austin today, as reported in the Houston Chronicle, is that lawmakers approved the $3 billion bond to go on the November ballot. Now it really will be up to Texas voters to agree to the constitutional amendment to float $300 million/ry in general obligation bonds to establish the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute.

From the NCCS (National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship)
Take action to improve post-treatment cancer care...
You can support a national effort that would improve cancer care at all points of treatment, including post-treatment. The Comprehensive Cancer Care Improvement Act (CCCIA), H.R. 1078 in the U.S. House of Representatives, would provide care planning services for all Medicare cancer patients. This bill would help give patients a full view of their medical needs during and after cancer treatment and would provide plans for obtaining the care they need. Send a letter to your Representative asking for support of the CCCIA by going to the following link:

"Fund Free Mammograms"
Go to The Breast Cancer Site at
and help fund free mammograms for the homeless, working-poor, and un-insured women. It costs nothing to you, except one daily click on the pink "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You can even request automatic reminders via e-mail. Please make your free click now, and thanks for your continuing support! The Breast Cancer Site, One Union Square, 600 University Street, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 1-888-811-5271

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars and Save the Dates!

CanCare Survivors Day Luncheon
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2007
For More Info:
As most of you know our Survivors Day Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 31 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Our luncheon event is a wonderful way to honor friends, family and employees who are cancer survivors and the medical communities who treat them. Our keynote speaker is Scott Hamilton, who is considered to be the world's most celebrated figure skater. In addition to being a role model and humanitarian, Mr. Hamilton is also a ten-year testicular cancer survivor.

Rosebuds Meetings
Open to all Breast Cancer Patients/Survivors
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
JUNE 5 & 19

Pink Ribbons Project
Be sure to tune in to KPFT 90.1 FM at noon on June 12,
when Pink Ribbons Project hosts an Open Journal show on
Inflammatory Breast Cancer."

Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
JUNE 14 & 28

The Alice Thomsen Lymphedema Awareness Group of Houston
Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at the American cancer Society Building,6301 Richmond (between Hillcroft and Fountainview) at 7:00pm. The 2007 dates are July 17th, September 18 and November 20th.
For further information call 281-546-6438.

2007 Komen Survivor Party
August 22, at The Houstonian
Details to be announced in future posts.

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" Launch Party
Sunday August 26, at 1:00 pm.
Marriott Westchase, Houston
Details posted above.

Living Fully
M.D. Anderson Annual Conference
September 6-8 2007
Marriott Westchase - Houston, Texas
Additional information to be announced.

Tour De Pink 2007
Pink Ribbons Project
September 9, 2007
at Prairie View A&M University
Additional info in future posts.

2007 Breast Health Summit
"SAVE THE DATE" for the 2007 Breast Health Summit to be held on October 18, 2007 at the United Way in Houston. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Additional information will be sent out later by both e-mail and postal mail. And of course, if your mailing address has changed, please be sure to forward the updated information to me. I look forward to seeing you in October!
Pat Dames
The Rose-
12700 North Featherwood
Houston, TX 77034
Fax 281-484-7083

"Sharing is Caring"
As always, The Pink Crusader welcomes your comments, stories, poems, and events. Posts are updated every Sunday. Please send your written contributions to

Thought of the Week (Courtesy of my friend Tracy)
This is slightly off-color...but worth the laugh! Thanks, Tracy!
There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
-Winston Churchill
Until next week, stay strong, stay well and keep on dancing to the beat of the drum.

Love, Josie
The Pink Crusader


Anonymous said...

Dear Josie,

I am so sorry to hear the sad news. I know that you have gotten to know each person as they share their thoughts and hearts.
It is so difficult to lose anyone. Each passing leaves us all with a piece missing in the link of life.
But there is abundant life even beyond this mortal life.


Anonymous said...

You're the only one who hasn't banned this kind of email-
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed following the progress of your book. It is a beautiful work of art.

Hope you have a relaxing Memorial Day weekend.


Anonymous said...

hi josie,been awhile since we talked.hope all is well with have you been feeling?

how is the book going? i have a buzz going about it so i hope it goes well for you.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! You ARE up and around!! I've been praying for no pain, a supernatural speedy recovery and lots of pampering for you!!

Love & Hugs, Brenda

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you're on the mend, and hope that you will take the weekend as an opportunity to get some real rest!

I am saddened to hear about Juli Gardener. You are right about the book as a legacy...what a wonderful thing. I sometimes think that because those of us who have experienced cancer fight so hard and so consciously every day to nurture and embrace life, that it is somehow more of a shock when someone we know and care about leaves us. I just have to think that all of that beautiful energy, embodied in these souls, is exploding joyously throughout the universe, reveling in the fullness of being. We still miss them achingly, but can at least smile a little through our tears, imagining them shining brightly out there...

Until next week,

Anonymous said...

Dear Cancer Girl,
You bet your sweet bippy I'll be at your party...and maybe even naked coffee boy will be there too!
Love, Peace and grooving to the music.

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello Jo.

I hope all is going well....hugs...
Kelly Jo

Life is short, go topless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Josie,

Ohmygosh! I'm so excited that the book has been so well received. You and the team deserve all the success for putting your heart and soul into this project.

I hope you're well and look forward to hearing from you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Josie,

I would love to help.

So good to see you last Thursday night and looking forward to the party in August.



Anonymous said...

Hi Josie,

I am so happy to hear about the progress made on the book. I know this has been an exciting (and difficult) journey for you. I hope this finds you in good health. Your recent picture on your blog is great!

Wendy Schlicht