Sunday, May 27, 2007

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer " Update

Dear Blogger Family & Friends,

The Pink Crusader warmly welcomes you with big smiles, hugs and kisses on this beautiful Memorial weekend. We send special thoughts to members of our armed forces and remain grateful for their dedication and self-sacrifice as they serve to protect our country and our many freedoms. We can sleep better at night, knowing that these brave men and women are keeping a watchful eye.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."
-General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Book Update: "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" (FBBC)
After a year in the making, and with great anticipation, I am thrilled to announce that the "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" is finally going to print. And, what's more, Dr. John Mendelsohn, President of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, has given us his blessing in the form of the book's introduction. We are honored and humbled by Dr. Mendelsohn's touching words of encouragement and thank him with the deepest appreciation for his time and written contribution.

From its inception, this pictorial project has always been a labor of love. However, it could never have gone from a vision to reality without the commitment, dedication and participation of all of you, especially the amazing photography of Jack Opatrany. It has been nothing less than a team effort all the way and I sincerely thank you for your individual contributions and support.

Media Blitz
"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" will be represented on a national level by a public relations firm based in New York city. We are currently working on a media blitz to include magazines, talk shows and book signing events. If you would like to be interviewed on your participation in the book and/or the specifics of your personal cancer journey, please provide the following information (in writing) to

1) Your willingness and availability to be interviewed
2) Your contact information and any change in home address, e-mail address, etc.
3) The name of your alma mater
4) Name of press/media contact at your alma mater
5) Phone number and/or e-mail address for media contact at your alma mater
6) A list of publications affiliated with your alma mater, line of work,
health care, hobbies, interests, etc.

Party Update
As stated in previous blog posts, the Launch Party for the book's debut is scheduled for Sunday, August 26th, 1:00 - 4:00pm, at the Marriott Westchase in Houston. (Early birds are invited to come at 12:30 to visit the sponsor booths and book-signing tables.)

All participants (free) and guests ($25) will be treated to a delicious sit-down brunch. We will also have a featured speaker, tribute video, and individual swag bags. (Participants will receive a complimentary book, along with a cd of their individual photo shoot.)

Books will be available for purchase ($30 each) at the book signing table. We will also have a Silent Auction as well as a variety of items to browse and purchase from our Sponsor tables. Proceeds to benefit
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Invitations to go out in June.

Hotel Accommodations
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Marriott Westchase, 2900 Briarpark Drive, Houston, TX 77042, for the evenings of Friday, August 24th thru Monday, August 27th). The room rate is $69.00 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, and $149.00 on Monday evening. You can book your reservation by calling 1-800-228-9290 (or 713-978-7400 in the Houston area). Refer to the special rate code FBBC. Cut-off dates for this rate is August 10th.

For our out-of-town visitors, please note that there is a shuttle service (Super Shuttle) available from George Bush (IAH) Airport to the Marriott Hotel at a cost of $28. We are still gathering information regarding shuttle service from Hobby Airport. Note: The Marriott Hotel provides free shuttle service from its premises to the beautiful Galleria area of the city.

In addition to the Marriott Westchase, we are delighted to have the support of our main sponsor, Cellcosmet. Not only will they be providing the swag bags filled with fabulous skin-care products for men and women, but they will also have a booth to sample and purchase their amazing, all natural, body creams and lotions. (Cellcosmet products are exclusive to Sak's Fifth Avenue in Houston and in several other major U.S. cities.)

Donations & Pre-Orders
Now that the book has gained national attention, we must print additional copies to meet the growing demand. If you think you may miss the opportunity to purchase a book, we strongly encourage you to pre-order. By pre-ordering your copies, it will also help us to raise additional funding to underwrite increased publishing costs.
Send a check or money order in the amount of $30 per book (plus $6.00 shipping & handling if applicable), to:

Josephine Sethi
803 Skimmer Ct.
Sugar Land, TX 77478

Include your name, phone number and e-mail address (or mailing address is applicable)

Note: I also accept credit card payments via Paypal. Log onto My paypal account name is

Wish List
We also need funding to cover the cost of items associated with the party. If anyone can help us out with the following, we would be most grateful:
Sound system
Audio/visual equipment
Items for silent auction

For those of you available to volunteer your time, we need a crew to
1) Help set-up tables
2) Meet & greet the participants and guests as they arrive
3) Work the book sales table

That's the latest and the greatest for now. I look forward to your response and will continue to update this information on a regular basis. Stay tuned.....our new web site is almost finished, and the best is yet to come!

Personal Note:
It is with great sadness that I announce the recent passing of
Juli Gardner, a participant in "The Faces behind Breast Cancer," and dear member of our extended survivor community. Juli and her six-year-old daughter Jessica, were both undergoing treatment for cancer-related issues at the same time. This dynamic mother-daughter duo were not only a great support system for one another, but were a source of strength and courage to those that knew their story. Our deepest condolences to Juli's family, with ongoing prayers for Jessica's full recovery.

Special thoughts and prayers to Rosemary Barr and Penny Andrea as they concurrently undergo chemotherapy treatment. Rosemary, in true form, remains an exemplary role model (as well as moderator of the Rosebuds meetings) while Penny maintains her sense of humor in spite of major discomfort. Hang in there, ladies......we're cheering you to victory!

On a happier note, the Rosebuds II welcomed the return of Janice Duplessis following recent brain surgery to remove a metastatic lesion. She is still on the mend, but moving forward after her ordeal and still flashing that million-dollar smile.

From Cheryl P. Donlin

Just wanted to update you on the lobbying item I sent you. The good news out of Austin today, as reported in the Houston Chronicle, is that lawmakers approved the $3 billion bond to go on the November ballot. Now it really will be up to Texas voters to agree to the constitutional amendment to float $300 million/ry in general obligation bonds to establish the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute.

From the NCCS (National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship)
Take action to improve post-treatment cancer care...
You can support a national effort that would improve cancer care at all points of treatment, including post-treatment. The Comprehensive Cancer Care Improvement Act (CCCIA), H.R. 1078 in the U.S. House of Representatives, would provide care planning services for all Medicare cancer patients. This bill would help give patients a full view of their medical needs during and after cancer treatment and would provide plans for obtaining the care they need. Send a letter to your Representative asking for support of the CCCIA by going to the following link:

"Fund Free Mammograms"
Go to The Breast Cancer Site at
and help fund free mammograms for the homeless, working-poor, and un-insured women. It costs nothing to you, except one daily click on the pink "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You can even request automatic reminders via e-mail. Please make your free click now, and thanks for your continuing support! The Breast Cancer Site, One Union Square, 600 University Street, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 1-888-811-5271

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars and Save the Dates!

CanCare Survivors Day Luncheon
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2007
For More Info:
As most of you know our Survivors Day Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 31 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Our luncheon event is a wonderful way to honor friends, family and employees who are cancer survivors and the medical communities who treat them. Our keynote speaker is Scott Hamilton, who is considered to be the world's most celebrated figure skater. In addition to being a role model and humanitarian, Mr. Hamilton is also a ten-year testicular cancer survivor.

Rosebuds Meetings
Open to all Breast Cancer Patients/Survivors
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
JUNE 5 & 19

Pink Ribbons Project
Be sure to tune in to KPFT 90.1 FM at noon on June 12,
when Pink Ribbons Project hosts an Open Journal show on
Inflammatory Breast Cancer."

Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
JUNE 14 & 28

The Alice Thomsen Lymphedema Awareness Group of Houston
Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at the American cancer Society Building,6301 Richmond (between Hillcroft and Fountainview) at 7:00pm. The 2007 dates are July 17th, September 18 and November 20th.
For further information call 281-546-6438.

2007 Komen Survivor Party
August 22, at The Houstonian
Details to be announced in future posts.

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" Launch Party
Sunday August 26, at 1:00 pm.
Marriott Westchase, Houston
Details posted above.

Living Fully
M.D. Anderson Annual Conference
September 6-8 2007
Marriott Westchase - Houston, Texas
Additional information to be announced.

Tour De Pink 2007
Pink Ribbons Project
September 9, 2007
at Prairie View A&M University
Additional info in future posts.

2007 Breast Health Summit
"SAVE THE DATE" for the 2007 Breast Health Summit to be held on October 18, 2007 at the United Way in Houston. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Additional information will be sent out later by both e-mail and postal mail. And of course, if your mailing address has changed, please be sure to forward the updated information to me. I look forward to seeing you in October!
Pat Dames
The Rose-
12700 North Featherwood
Houston, TX 77034
Fax 281-484-7083

"Sharing is Caring"
As always, The Pink Crusader welcomes your comments, stories, poems, and events. Posts are updated every Sunday. Please send your written contributions to

Thought of the Week (Courtesy of my friend Tracy)
This is slightly off-color...but worth the laugh! Thanks, Tracy!
There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
-Winston Churchill
Until next week, stay strong, stay well and keep on dancing to the beat of the drum.

Love, Josie
The Pink Crusader

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dancing with a Gorilla

Dear Blogger Family & Friends,

Welcome one and all! As always, it is a joy to have you visit the Pink Crusader on a weekly basis. Unfortunately I'm still on the mend from Friday's procedure and will have to go a little easy on the hugs this week.

“When you dance with a gorilla it is the gorilla who decides when to stop."

Thanks to all of you for the positive thoughts, prayers, e-mails and calls. Don't worry, it's just a little flesh wound and nothing that can't be fixed with a spoonful of sugar and some extra-strength Tylenol! The only thing worse than the discomfort is the boredom and restlessness! Quick....Someone throw me a distraction!

Next week, I'll have the latest update on "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" as well as the details regarding the Launch Party on August 26th. In the meantime, enjoy this bit of humor, compliments of my cousin Frank:

A wife invited some people to dinner.

At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said,

"Would you like to say the blessing?"

"I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied .

"Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered.

The daughter bowed her head and said,

"Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"

Personal Note:
Good Luck to Brenda (a.k.a. B. Kaye) as she returns to her ministry in the skies (as a flight attendent)following the successful completion of reconstructive surgery. She wanted to pass on the following: Hi All! Wow!! It's been about 4 months and a week since I've flown and I have to admit I'm a little anxious heading up!! LOL!! Sounds crazy, I know, but there have been some changes since I've been gone and I'm trying to wrap my brain around it all... not to mention I'm REALLY out of my routine and out of SHAPE!! LOL!! This walking across America is not for sissies!!... So, with that said, keep me in your prayers... it's Springtime and turbulent, and bumper guards are not yet a part of our uniform... we need helmets sometimes!! LOL!! To protect us against turbulence, AND some of the passengers!! LOL! As always, if you're out there bumping around in the friendly skies, keep an eye out for me, and if we're going to end up in the same little spot... give me a call. I'm on e-mail and cell... so KEEP IN TOUCH!! Thanks again for all of your much needed support in every way throughout my "Project". Love and Hugs!! Brenda K.


Ask the Expert, Anderson Network's online message board, allows cancer patients and caregivers to submit questions to M. D. Anderson experts on specific topics. Log on to the board at to submit questions or to view past topics archived on the site. These include nutrition, lymphedema, clinical trials, fatigue, cancer prevention, patient safety, exercise and bone health, as well as site-specific questions and answers.

From Donna Fong:

Aromatherapy Helps Heal Cancer Patients by Cheri Perez, R.N.

Like so many New Age practices and beliefs, aromatherapy has ancient roots. The use of essential oils to affect mood and well-being can be found far back in Egyptian, Greek and Roman history. In fact, when the three kings of biblical fame brought gifts, including gold, to baby Jesus, their other highly prized offerings were frankincense and myrrh... resins from these herbs are still in use today. While scientific evidence about aromatherapy is scant, its long-standing role in spirituality and healing, along with strong anecdotal support of its benefits, gives essential oils an important role as a complementary alternative medicine therapy.
Cherie Perez, RN, quality assurance specialist in the department of GU Medical Oncology at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, is a strong proponent of aromatherapy, including as an adjunct for cancer treatment. She teaches monthly classes for patients on the topic. I recently asked Perez to tell me about how aromatherapy can be useful for people who are healthy, as well as those with chronic illnesses. Used properly, Perez says essential oils can indirectly help bolster immune function in cancer patients, strengthening their ability to fight back against the disease by helping to ease pain, depression, sleeplessness and stress. The oils can also help relieve anxiety and improve memory, both frequent problems for people in cancer treatment. Furthermore, aromatherapy offers patients an opportunity to take time for themselves and enjoy a mental and emotional break from their world of medicines and doctors.
These essential oils have various scents such as floral, minty, citrus and masculine -- and Perez advises using the ones you like best among the choices indicated for a specific treatment, since more than one oil may address the same problem. She explains that the limbic system, which the sense of smell triggers, is the emotional seat of the brain, which is the reason why people often respond strongly to certain scents -- positively or negatively. Lavender, for example, might bring back warm memories of a trip to Provence, or sour thoughts about a dour relative who wore it as a fragrance.
All oils are highly concentrated distillations of plant parts, including the flowers, leaves, branches and roots. Because they are so potent (hundreds of times more concentrated than the culinary fresh or dried herb or herbal teas, and therefore easy to overdose on) they should be used only under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner, such as a naturopathic physician, registered nurse, massage therapist, clinical herbalist or aromatherapist. Some of the most popular oils include rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender and chamomile. Essential oils can be inhaled (safest with a simple diffuser), enjoyed in your bath or massaged onto your skin (but never directly in their undiluted form... because they can cause a rash or burning sensation). Oils may come already diluted, and will say so on the ingredient label, but you can also dilute a pure oil yourself. Add three drops of an essential oil to a half tablespoon of scentless organic vegetable oil (such as sunflower or safflower) or to an unscented body lotion. People with sensitive skin should do a skin test before topical use. How much to dilute an oil depends on the type of oil and your skin's sensitivity. Thyme, for example, is quite irritating to some people, so it should be used more sparingly and with caution, whereas lavender is non-irritating to nearly everyone, says Perez. Citrus oils may cause sensitivity to sunlight, so avoid skin application if you are going to be in the sun. Because they're so pretty and fragrant and highly toxic if ingested, they should be kept where children cannot reach them.
Here's a list of popular oils that address some common problems, as well as those common among people in treatment for cancer...
Lavender. Great as a general relaxant, it also treats migraines and relieves stress. It is excellent for insomnia resulting from cancer treatment.
Rosemary. For muscle pain, low blood pressure (do not use if you have uncontrolled or high blood pressure) and cold feet and hands. Rosemary aids a loss of appetite.
Spearmint. Used to ease nausea and to help digestion. Also can help ease gas and other treatment-related digestive problems.
Eucalyptus or peppermint. For rubbing on sore muscles. Eucalyptus may also help joints, including arthritic ones. Eucalyptus may increase the absorption of certain cancer drugs that are applied topically, so use caution and try a patch test first, avoiding application to the same area as the cancer drug.
Pink grapefruit or juniper berry. Used with massage to encourage lymphatic drainage of toxins and waste. Pink grapefruit is one of Perez's favorites for cancer patients, as she believes it helps energize them and raise their spirits. This and all citrus-type oils should be avoided during chemo and radiation -- and should not be used until speaking with your doctor.
Lemongrass, tea tree and orange. Mix together into two cups of Epsom salts. Use five drops of each oil -- a total of 15 drops -- for a soothing bath (use one-half cup per bath).
Aromatherapy has become so popular that essential oils are now widely available, including in health food stores and supermarkets. However, Perez advises that it is far better to purchase them from a shop with a staff knowledgeable in aromatherapy. Oils should come in dark blue or brown glass containers, which prevent light or heat damage. Avoid bottles with rubber droppers -- the rubber breaks down and contaminates the oil. Finally, the label should feature both the common and the botanical name of the oil (for example, Peppermint/Mentha piperita).
If you would like to learn more about how to incorporate aromatherapy in your life, Perez recommends The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, by Valerie Ann Worwood (New World Library), which she says is both thorough and easily understood. Again, as in the case with skin sensitivities, people with asthma or allergies need to avoid things that might trigger an attack -- for example, chamomile is in the ragweed family. People who want to try inhalation aromatherapy should use only a few drops (two to three) of essential oils in a basin of water or diffuser, or on a napkin. And -- always consult with your doctor before using aromatherapy or any complementary therapy.
Source(s): Article printed in Bottom Line's Daily Health News on May 8th. Add our address,,to your Address Book.

From Cheryl P. Donlin:

We've come too far to stop now!
Last week, advocates just like you flooded the Texas Senate with emails and demanded change in the way our state deals with cancer. I'm proud to say that they heard you, and the bills passed out of the Senate Finance Committee Friday night with a unanimous vote! Thank you for your help, but we're not done yet. I need you to do it again. Please send one last message to your State Senator to make sure the Senate passes this bill with equal support this week.

This critical legislation will allow Texas to invest three billion dollars over the next ten years for cutting edge cancer research and programs. The bills are now on their way to the floor of the Senate and you have one more opportunity to tell your elected officials how you feel about this legislation. Most importantly, share your story with them; tell them why investing in cancer prevention and research means so much to you. Send a message to your State Senator TODAY.

I was at the Senate Finance Committee meeting late Friday night to testify to make sure that the voices of survivors were heard. You can find a link to my testimony at the May 19 Senate Finance Committee here. (The committee meeting was an hour and a half, if you fast forward to 40 minutes you'll see my testimony)

I talked about how we're not doing enough to battle cancer, we've come a long way, but we're not there yet. The system is broken, and we have a unique opportunity to fix it here in our own state. We have a chance to make Texas a global leader in fighting cancer.

I really feel that the fight against cancer is at a tipping point in Texas. The first step is to get this passed out of the Senate and signed by the Governor. Then we have to make our case to the people of Texas. I'm in this for the long haul, I'm ready for the fight and I hope you'll join me. If you haven't yet, send a message to your State Senator.

LIVESTRONG, Lance Armstrong

PS. Please pass this message on to anyone you know in Texas. If there was ever a time to act, it's now – the Senate vote is scheduled for early this week.

Mammogram rate falls for first timeBy ROB STEIN

WASHINGTON — After rising steadily for decades, the proportion of U.S.
women getting mammograms to screen for breast cancer has dropped for
the first time, federal researchers are reporting today.

The overall rate at which women are undergoing regular mammograms fell
4 percent between 2000 and 2005, marking the first significant decline
since use of the breast X-rays started expanding rapidly in 1987, the
study by the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention found.

The reasons remain unclear, but researchers speculated that it could be
due to factors such as increasingly long waiting times to get
appointments, waning fears about breast cancer, the drop in hormone use
after menopause, and the ongoing debate over the benefits and risks of
the breast exams.

Regardless of the cause, the trend is worrying breast cancer experts,
who credit mammograms with playing a crucial role in reducing the death
toll from breast cancer, the second leading cause of cancer and cancer
death among U.S. women.

"This is very troubling," said Nancy Breen, who led the analysis
published online Monday by the American Cancer Society's journal
Cancer. "If women are not getting mammograms, then their cancer may not
be diagnosed until later stages, which could translate into higher
mortality from breast cancer."

Breast cancer strikes more than 200,000 women each year and kills more
than 40,000. But the odds of surviving have been rising, in part
because more women are being diagnosed by mammograms at the earliest,
most treatable stages. Breast cancer experts have been growing
increasingly concerned, however, by reports that mammography rates had
plateaued and perhaps started to fall. The new research is the first to
document the trend nationally.

"We've been anxious to look at a national sample," Breen said. "This is
the first time we had a data set to examine that represents the entire
United States."

Breen and her colleagues analyzed data collected by the National Health
Interview Survey, an ongoing survey of about 40,000 adults conducted by
the National Center for Health Statistics to track health trends.

Data from about 10,000 women surveyed showed that the mammogram rate
plateaued in 2000, began to fall in 2003 and continued to decline
through 2005, the survey's most recent year. Overall, the proportion of
women who said they had gotten a mammogram in the last two years
declined from 70 percent in 2000 to 66 percent in 2005, according to
the paper that will be published in the June 15 issue of the journal.

Most alarming, the drop was greatest — 6.8 percent — among women ages
50 to 64, the age group most likely to benefit.

This is also the group most likely to take hormones after the onset of
menopause, a practice that fell dramatically in 2002 after a federal
study found that hormone therapy raised the risk of breast cancer,
heart attack and stroke.

Breen and her colleagues were also surprised that the drop was
especially steep — 6.3 percent — among more affluent women.

"One possibility is women who stop using HRT (hormone replacement
therapy) believe their risk of breast cancer has declined and so they
don't feel the need for mammography," Breen said. "Another possibility
is they may not be going to their doctors as often for their hormones
and so are not being told it's time for a mammogram. That's a concern
because just because they are not taking HRT does not mean they are not
at risk."

Another possible explanation is that a worsening shortage of
mammography facilities is making it more frustrating to get an

Breen and others speculated that some of the drop might be due to the
ongoing debate over the benefits of mammography. Some experts question
the blanket recommendation that all women routinely undergo mammograms
starting at age 40, saying the risks of unnecessary treatment and
anxiety from false alarms might outweigh the benefits for some women at
low risk.

"Some women are beginning to balance the risks and the benefits," said
Carolina Hinestrosa of the National Breast Cancer Coalition, an
advocacy group. "If women are making a careful determination and an
informed decision after weighing the risks and benefits, I don't
necessarily think that's a bad thing."

But others argued that the benefits have been well-established,
particularly for women over age 50. Even though other methods, such as
MRIs, are showing promise, mammograms remain the only widespread
screening method proven to pay off.

"Too many women and clinicians are misunderstanding the 'controversy'
about mammography," said Constance Lehman, a professor of radiology at
the University of Washington. "A mammogram is the best thing a woman
can do to reduce her chances of dying from breast cancer."

Another possible explanation is that rising survival rates among breast
cancer patients are making women more complacent.

"Women may also be feeling, 'Well, the death rates are dropping in the
population so I don't need to get screened,' " Breen said. "That's kind
of missing the point. One reason death rates are dropping is because
screening rates were so high." Brought to you by the

"Fund Free Mammograms"
Go to The Breast Cancer Site at
and help fund free mammograms for the homeless, working-poor, and un-insured women. It costs nothing to you, except one daily click on the pink "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You can even request automatic reminders via e-mail. Please make your free click now, and thanks for your continuing support! The Breast Cancer Site, One Union Square, 600 University Street, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 1-888-811-5271

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars and Save the Dates!

Anderson Network Telephone Support Line Workshop & Recognition
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Cancer Prevention Center, 8th Floor, Room 5
10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Self parking in Mays/ACB garage will be validated, valet will not be validated)
Guest Speaker: Tena Gardiner, LCSW Social Work
Appreciation Buffet Lunch Roundtable Scenarios
*Workshop materials will be sent to those volunteers unable to attend*
Please RSVP to Laura Hearn if you are able to attend at 713-745-9204 or

Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 24, JUNE 14 & 28

CanCare Survivors Day Luncheon
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2007
For More Info:
As most of you know our Survivors Day Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 31 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Our luncheon event is a wonderful way to honor friends, family and employees who are cancer survivors and the medical communities who treat them. Our keynote speaker is Scott Hamilton, who is considered to be the world's most celebrated figure skater. In addition to being a role model and humanitarian, Mr. Hamilton is also a ten-year testicular cancer survivor.

Rosebuds Meetings
Open to all Breast Cancer Patients/Survivors
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
JUNE 5 & 19

The Alice Thomsen Lymphedema Awareness Group of Houston
Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at the American cancer Society Building,6301 Richmond (between Hillcroft and Fountainview) at 7:00pm. The 2007 dates are July 17th, September 18 and November 20th.
For further information call 281-546-6438.

2007 Komen Survivor Party
August 22, at The Houstonian
Details to be announced in future posts.

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" Launch Party
Save the date, Sunday August 26, at 1:00 pm.
Details will be announced in next week's post.

Living Fully
M.D. Anderson Annual Conference
September 6-8 2007
Marriott Westchase - Houston, Texas
Additional information to be announced.

Tour De Pink 2007
Pink Ribbons Project
September 9, 2007
at Prairie View A&M University
Additional info in future posts.

2007 Breast Health Summit
"SAVE THE DATE" for the 2007 Breast Health Summit to be held on October 18, 2007 at the United Way in Houston. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Additional information will be sent out later by both e-mail and postal mail. And of course, if your mailing address has changed, please be sure to forward the updated information to me. I look forward to seeing you in October!
Pat Dames
The Rose-
12700 North Featherwood
Houston, TX 77034
Fax 281-484-7083

"Sharing is Caring"
As always, The Pink Crusader welcomes your comments, stories, poems, and events. Posts are updated every Sunday. Please send your written contributions to

Coming next week: Update on "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" and details on the Launch Party.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchill
Until then, stay strong, stay well and keep on dancing in your dreams.
Love, Josie
The Pink Crusader

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother and Child Reunion

Dear Blogger Family & Friends,

Heartfelt greetings and warm wishes to one and all. Extra hugs to all our mothers as we sing their praises on this special Mothers Day edition of The Pink Crusader.

Oh the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
Oh the mother and child reunion
Is only a moment away
-Words & Music by Paul Simon

As most of you know, the Pink Crusader has been MIA for nearly two weeks after joining my son, Dalip, in a marathon road trip which we had been planning over the course of my treatment this past year. It was somewhat of an early Mother's Day present in addition to an opportunity to spend quality time with my only child who lives on the east coast.

So, with my husband's blessing, and the help of map quest, the two of us embarked on an ambitious journey, visiting nearly 30 friends and relatives, in four states, within nine days! Not too shabby. It really was the "Great Race" of all road trips clocking memories by the minute. I thank everyone who welcomed us with open arms along the way.

Road trips are nothing new to us. My son is a born roadie like his mom. He cut his teeth on the car upholstery and grew up thinking that all families used their cars as a second home. Flying was reserved for people like my husband Tony, who travels for a living......or for celebrities, or people who live in foreign countries.

As a baby, Dalip (his name means "he who loves"), was always a good little traveler. He was very compact and portable and could make the 6-hour drive from Chicago to my family home in Ohio with one feeding and two diaper changes. Most of the time he would sleep contently in his car seat, however, if he got cranky I would pop in a Disney sing-along cassette and belt out an Ethel Merman version of "Zip-a-dee-do-da." That was enough to stop an infant's sniffle, mid-tear.....although it might also have been enough to make a grown man cry.

If Dalip needed a feeding before I needed to refuel, I would steer with my left hand and prop the bottle in his mouth with my right (in the days before infants were banished to the back seat), and we would continue on our merry way without further incident.

As my son became a little older, (and years before the inception of Game-Boy), we would create our own travel games to help pass the time. Once, during a drive from Boston to Ohio, and after he had learned to read, write and spell, we stopped at every exit in the state of Connecticut, creating a journal of each gas station, food stop and shopping center along the way. Don't came in handy on many future trips after that......and I still get a kick out of seeing his childish scrawlings and doodles scattered throughout the pages.

On another occasion, while driving for 8 hours through the mountains of Pennsylvania and upstate New York, we kept a running count of all the identifiable roadkill on the highway. Deer placed high on the list, followed by raccoons, possum, fox and black bear. Yep....nothing like rotting, mangled roadkill to keep the attention of an 8 year old.

For years, depending on where we lived (Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, Providence, etc.) my boy and I could easily spend up to 16 hours in the car driving from one destination to the next. Good thing we liked each other.....up to a point. When his interests turned to sports and music, the Sony walk-man (with a mega supply of extra batteries) became his new travel companion. Looking back, I missed the two-way conversation and often felt like I was driving solo. "Sh-h-h-h-h Mom, I can't hear my song."

I think I should just skip over the teenage years and jump ahead to the day the music died. We were living in Cleveland, when Dalip received his driver's license. He had his official ticket to freedom and independence and no longer needed me to be at the helm. "C'mon Mom, let me drive.....I'm getting bored....this is stupid.....blah, blah, blah." I reluctantly relinquished the keys and the wheel to my son. I passed on the torch to a new generation of road royalty and he claimed his rightful place on the throne of the driver's seat. The tables had turned and I was now the sidekick in the passenger seat. I became his "Gilligan" and he became the "Skipper." I sulked at the role reversal. The shoe was on the other foot and it was not a good fit.

Once in college, Dalip would frequently make the 4-hour drive from Cincinnati to Cleveland without blinking an eye. It was in his blood. He had been pre-conditioned that 4 hours behind the wheel was as casual as a stroll around he block. What's more, his car resembled a sound stage on wheels. He had worked all summer to customize his "ride" with a multiple cd player, elevated sound system, and satellite radio. "Zip-a-dee-do-da" had been replaced with "I'm too sexy for my shirt." His car was a pleasure palace.......and he was king of the road.

Meanwhile, I had become a frequent flyer and was learning to enjoy the view from a higher altitude until grounded by cancer in 2003. And, ironically in 2007, it was my frequent flyer miles that carried me from Houston to Philadelphia for our emotional reunion, following my recent relapse. But, as previously noted, the joy and success of this trip did not happen over night. It took careful thought and planning along with a lifetime of vivid memories to make things feel right again.

Looking back, I fully acknowledge that I had the time of my life, regardless of where I sat or who was at the wheel. This time, it wasn't the adventures of Gilligan and the Skipper, but rather the irrepressible joy of a mother and child reunion. Thank you, Dalip. Once again, you have lived up to your name and continue to make me proud to be your mom. Love you, baby boy!


From Martha Aziz:

Dear Lord: So far today I've done all right, I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty,selfish, or very indulgent. I'm very grateful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on, I'm going to need a lot more help. Amen. - by Trish Kuffner

From Rosemary Herron and Dorothy Slater Paterson:

Here's an easy way to help Komen win $5,000 and secure a mention of the
organization in Prevention Magazine, potentially reaching more than 3
million readers. It's simple, just cast your vote for breast cancer survivor
Dr. Janet Vittone. Voters can only vote once so please pass this along to
friends and family. The polls close May 18 at midnight.

Dr. Janet Vittone is a breast cancer survivor and is now one of the five
finalists for Prevention Magazine's and "Good Morning America's, Picture of
Health" contest. If Janet wins the contest, she will receive $5,000 as well
as $5,000 donated to the charity of her choice, which is Komen for the Cure.
Janet will be featured in the June issue of Prevention and possibly on the
cover of Prevention in October. To place your vote for Dr. Janet Vittone, go to:

From Beth Irvine:

This week, bloggers across the country are writing about Healthy Mother, Healthy Child. You can follow the tour at MotherTalk, where links will be posted to the bloggers who are talking about the book each day. Follow the links to read what they have to say, and be sure to join in the discussion and share your thoughts as well! Please send this on to anyone who might appreciate it. Watch Beth's TV segments on
Log on and have some fun:

"Fund Free Mammograms"
Go to The Breast Cancer Site at
and help fund free mammograms for the homeless, working-poor, and un-insured women. It costs nothing to you, except one daily click on the pink "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You can even request automatic reminders via e-mail. Please make your free click now, and thanks for your continuing support! The Breast Cancer Site, One Union Square, 600 University Street, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 1-888-811-5271

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars and Save the Dates!

Walk to Empower
3-Mile walk, Sunday, May 13, 2007
MacGregor Park, Houston, Tx 9:00am
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
No Fee Register online at

The Alice Thomsen Lymphedema Awareness Group of Houston
Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at the American cancer Society Building,6301 Richmond (between Hillcroft and Fountainview) at 7:00pm. The 2007 dates are May 15th, July 17th, September 18 and November 20th.
For further information call 281-546-6438.

Rosebuds Meetings
Open to all Breast Cancer Patients/Survivors
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 15 JUNE 5 & 19

Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 24, JUNE 14 & 28

CanCare Survivors Day Luncheon
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2007
For More Info:
As most of you know our Survivors Day Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 31 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Our luncheon event is a wonderful way to honor friends, family and employees who are cancer survivors and the medical communities who treat them. Our keynote speaker is Scott Hamilton, who is considered to be the world's most celebrated figure skater. In addition to being a role model and humanitarian, Mr. Hamilton is also a ten-year testicular cancer survivor.

2007 Komen Survivor Party
August 22, at The Houstonian
Details to be announced in future posts.

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" Launch Party
Save the date, Sunday August 26, at 1:00 pm.
Details will be announced in next week's post.

Living Fully
M.D. Anderson Annual Conference
September 6-8 2007
Marriott Westchase - Houston, Texas
Additional information to be announced.

Tour De Pink 2007
Pink Ribbons Project
September 9, 2007
at Prairie View A&M University
Additional info in future posts.

2007 Breast Health Summit
"SAVE THE DATE" for the 2007 Breast Health Summit to be held on October 18, 2007 at the United Way in Houston. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Additional information will be sent out later by both e-mail and postal mail. And of course, if your mailing address has changed, please be sure to forward the updated information to me. I look forward to seeing you in October!
Pat Dames
The Rose-
12700 North Featherwood
Houston, TX 77034
Fax 281-484-7083

"Sharing is Caring"
As always, The Pink Crusader welcomes your comments, stories, poems, and events. Posts are updated every Sunday. Please send your written contributions to

Coming next week: Update on "The Faces behind Breast Cancer" and details on the Launch Party.

"Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child"
-Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta

Until then, stay strong, stay well and keep on dancing in celebration of your mom.
Love, Josie
The Pink Crusader

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cruise Control

Dear Blogger Family and Friends,

The Pink Crusader sends warm greetings and postcards of love from the East Coast. My son and I have embarked on the road trip of our lives, visiting nearly 30 friends and relatives, in four states, within nine days! I look forward to sharing highlights from my trip with all of you next week. Until then, I'll continue to rack on the miles, enjoy the view and let the wind rush through my barely-there hair for as long as my husband will let me.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
-Lao Tzu

PERSONAL NOTE: Best Wishes and Happy Birthday to Papa Bear! Another year younger but all the more wiser. Love you, Dad!

Congratulations to Judy Bloss on completing her Radiation Therapy. As Judy says, "The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter."

Condolences to Elizabeth Camp on the loss of her mother to metastatic disease. She was a great inspiration to "Betsy" and her family and we celebrate her courage while extending our deepest sympathy.


From Rosemary Barr and Cheryl Donlin:

Have you ever bought a Breast Cancer Research Stamp? I bet you
have - 700 million of them have been sold since the stamp was
introduced in 1998. The net proceeds go to federal breast cancer
research, and it's raised over $53 million for critical research
work. It's the top-selling stamp in U.S. history!

Right now, two bills in Congress could reauthorize the stamp -
or make it permanent! - but only if they pass. If the stamp
isn't reauthorized or made permanent by December 31, 2007, it
will be lost - along with its millions of dollars for breast
cancer research. Please join me in sending a message to Congress today!

From Marsha Yeager: Komen Survivor Party

Rosemary Herron has some great news about this party which is to be held Wednesday, August 22 at the Houstonian from 6-8 p.m. Anyone who has participated in the “Race for the Cure” and indicated that they are a survivor automatically gets an invitation. Those in the SOS group who would like to go and have never received an invitation need to email Rosemary with their current home address so she can add them to the invitee list. Also, anyone who would like to serve on the planning committee can contact her ( or 281. 242. 0351.) The committees are all formed and just need “worker bees” (welcome/name tags, decorating, etc.) This is wonderful evening event which is free.

"Fund Free Mammograms"
Go to The Breast Cancer Site at
and help fund free mammograms for the homeless, working-poor, and un-insured women. It costs nothing to you, except one daily click on the pink "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You can even request automatic reminders via e-mail. Please make your free click now, and thanks for your continuing support! The Breast Cancer Site, One Union Square, 600 University Street, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 1-888-811-5271

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark Your Calendars and Save the Dates!

SOS (Survivors Offering Support)Meeting
We will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 p.m. This meeting will be our last meeting until fall. Our guest speaker is Pilates teacher, Amy Stanley. Amy currently teaches Pilates to her clients at the Fitness Retreat. She is passionate about this form of exercise and imbues enthusiasm to everyone she “touches.” She will give us some new exercises to practice, so please bring a large bath or beach towel to join in the fun and the opportunity to feel better. Finally and most importantly, any 5, 10, or 15 year breast cancer survivors will be specially honored. Please bring something to eat or drink that can be shared by all. However, bringing something is not a requirement for attending. Utensils, cups, and plates will be provided.

CORRECTION: Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 10 & 24 JUNE 14 & 28

Walk to Empower
3-Mile walk, Sunday, May 13, 2007
MacGregor Park, Houston, Tx 9:00am
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
No Fee Register online at

The Alice Thomsen Lymphedema Awareness Group of Houston
Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at the American cancer Society Building,6301 Richmond (between Hillcroft and Fountainview) at 7:00pm. The 2007 dates are May 15th, July 17th, September 18 and November 20th.
For further information call 281-546-6438.

Rosebuds Meetings
Open to all Breast Cancer Patients/Survivors
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 15 JUNE 5 & 19

Rosebuds II Meetings
(For those who have had or are at high risk
for recurrence and/or metastasis)
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.
MAY 24, JUNE 14 & 28

CanCare Survivors Day Luncheon
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2007
For More Info:
As most of you know our Survivors Day Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 31 at the Intercontinental Hotel. Our luncheon event is a wonderful way to honor friends, family and employees who are cancer survivors and the medical communities who treat them. Our keynote speaker is Scott Hamilton, who is considered to be the world's most celebrated figure skater. In addition to being a role model and humanitarian, Mr. Hamilton is also a ten-year testicular cancer survivor.

2007 Komen Survivor Party
August 22, at The Houstonian
Details to be announced in future posts.

"The Faces behind Breast Cancer" Launch Party
Save the date, Sunday August 26, at 1:00 pm.
Details will be announced in future posts.

Living Fully
M.D. Anderson Annual Conference
September 6-8 2007
Marriott Westchase - Houston, Texas
Additional information is not available at this time.

Tour De Pink 2007
Pink Ribbons Project
September 9, 2007
at Prairie View A&M University
Additional info in future posts.

2007 Breast Health Summit
"SAVE THE DATE" for the 2007 Breast Health Summit to be held on October 18, 2007 at the United Way in Houston. Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Additional information will be sent out later by both e-mail and postal mail. And of course, if your mailing address has changed, please be sure to forward the updated information to me. I look forward to seeing you in October!
Pat Dames
The Rose-
12700 North Featherwood
Houston, TX 77034
Fax 281-484-7083

"Sharing is Caring"
As always, The Pink Crusader welcomes your comments, stories, poems, and events. Posts are updated every Sunday. Please send your written contributions to

This concludes our weekly edition of the Pink Crusader. See you next week!

"No matter where you go, there you are."

Until next week, stay strong, stay well, and keep on dancing down life's highway!
Love, Josie
The Pink Crusader